At MAI Collective we believe that every womben has the right to be SEEN, HEARD AND FELT!!

When you connect back to your feminine spirit, you are able to embody your power and rise like the Queen you ARE!!

It is in sisterhood that we heal, that is why MAI Collective is all about community.

Together we can create the world we want to live in!!

"I've managed to connect to parts of me, that doesn't only include my womb, to parts of me that I didn't even know could be reached, that I didn't even know could be awakened in this way. This work has been amazing, it's been very powerful. Thank you Mary-Ann for creating such a beautiful container for us".

- Valerie Saune Gazzano

Womb with me

I adore Mary-Ann and her work. It is beautiful how she's holding space. It's really worth what you spend, it's so worth it, so worth to become truly who you are and embody your femininity on a deep level.

Connecting to the goddess within

I'm still on a high from your journey connecting to the goddess within. Her energy is really strong so I'm getting used to it and the wisdom that comes with it.

Awaken your winter goddess

Thank you Mary-Ann for this Amazing workshop. It brought me lots of healing, many insights and reflections and ahah moments on many wounds of mine. A bit too much I realize, with many gratitude I welcome them, for only when they are finally seen... now with with fresh eyes and support, they can heal. Here a picture from many years ago when i was pregnant, before my first miscarriage.

This is Mary-Ann Illing

She is an inspirational mentor on a mission to empower womben to connect back to their feminine spirit through their body so that they can BE the Queen of their castle!!!


Her journey has taken her from an honours degree in psychology, specialising in the field of trauma, to ancient wisdom to awaken your feminine power!

Her passion for the collective it what drives her to help others heal from past and create a new path for future generations. She believes we have the right to be seen, heard and felt and the deep space she holds for others reflects this.